
The Senate supervises the overall institution’s operation in compliance with state laws as well as each Institution’s internal regulations. It forms the Institution’s educational and research policy, its strategic planning development and report on its regular activities.

The Senate comprises of the following members:

  • The Rector
  • The Vice-Rectors
  • The Deans of the Faculties
  • The Heads of the Departments
  • Student representatives at a percentage 10% of the total number of Senate members (both undergraduate and graduate students are represented by at least 1 student respectively). The student representatives of the above case are selected by voting, along with their alternates, through the process of a consequential, unanimous vote cast in secret, as regards the members of the relevant category of the students of the University, upon a single ballot paper, addressed for a one – year term.
  • Three (3) representatives, one for each category of Special Educational Staff (S.E.S), Laboratory and Teaching Staff (L.T.S.) and Laboratory and Technical Staff (L.T.S.) (they are elected for a 2-year period of representation and they can be re-elected for one more term of office)
  • One (1) representative of the administrative staff of the institution (they are elected for a 2-year period of representation and they can be re-elected for one more term of office)

The representatives of the above cases (6) and (7) are selected by voting, along with their alternates, through the process of a consequential, unanimous vote cast in secret, as regards the members of the relevant category of the staff of the University, upon a single ballot paper for each category, addressed for a two – year term, besides the possibility of re-election for an additional term.

The Senate runs legally even though representatives of all the above categories (5, 6, 7) have not been elected.

In conclusion, the Senate has all the responsibilities and tasks as prescribed in article 13, (2) of the Law 4485/2017, in addition to the individual provisions, not only of the previously mentioned legislative act, as amended and in force, but also of the Organisation and the Internal Regulation of the Educational Institution, respectively.